
It has to be very well understood that this weblog is for teaching purposes only and is not of any commercial nature.
Please note the following-
This blog:

– is not an online course or a teaching platform, but rather contains a collection of pages and posts intended to help students find online resources, explore topics in the fields of Microbiology and Immunology, express their opinions about these disciplines.
– is not an official web site for any educational institution or department.

The content of this weblog including all posts and comments are not necessarily reviewed by expert scientits or educators and are continuously being modified; consequently, they express news, opinions, and individual contributions rather than scientific literature.

One Response to “Disclaimer”

  1. Amanda Everse Says:


    I noticed you were a user of the MicrobesCount! publication, and thought I’d let you know that we’ve now just published Vol VII of the BioQUEST Library. We haven’t made our big announcement yet, but that should be happening in the next week or so. It’s online, and free for the first time in 20 years. There are currently 14 microbiology resources related to the software modules and simulations that are part of the library. That is bound to grow.


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